Patient Safety Incident Differences Between Accredited and not Accredited Primary Health Center


  • Arlina Dewi Master of Hospital Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Nevi Seftaviani Master of Hospital Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Erna Rochmawati Master of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Medication Error, Documentation, Education, hospital accreditation


The study aims to identify the differences of patient safety incident (PSI) by health workers in accredited and non-accredited Primary health care (PHC) by its frequency and severity of harm. This research used analytic crossectional method. A well-structured questionairre of 15 patients’ safety indicators was administered to collect response of Nurse and midwife in 3 accredited PHC and 3 non-accredited PHC about patients’ safety incident in last month. In the result, overall the incident happened more frequent in non-accredited PHC than in acrredited PHC which is statistically significant (CI 95%, p=0.002). Specifically, what the nurses handle is about medication (CI 95% p=0.018) and therapeutic treatment (CI 95% p=0.036). Also, it is about the education (CI 95% p=0.025) and documentation (CI 95% p=0.013). Still, two indicators of midwife’s treatment while transferring and about the education involved minor harm.


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